Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It'S aLl AbOut Mee...

wow i made a blog never thought i would do this...Man what to say what to say?...My family so screwed up it's confusing from day to day who's mad at who? who's talking about who? But it's okay im dealing with it one day at a time. Like me and my mom for example we butt heads all the time we disagree to agree most well not most of the time all the time. Like with my boyfriend okay...My boyfriend is way older than me. Like 15 years older than me, she doesn't agree with the big age difference and to me it doesn't bother me it's just a number to me. But he also has a felony yes i know felonys are bad but do you judge a person based on that fact alone? I truly blieve in my heart that some mistakes that people make are just bigger than others and they shouldn't be discommunicated with because of a mistake they made years ago. If you're thinking he murder someone he didn't do anything like that. But he has did his time and paid for what he did. But im judging him based on that. He is a good man that just wants to do right and have family just like anyone else on this planet. He will answer to god for what he did some day, but i aint god and neither is my mom so im not going to judge him for his flaws. But anyways my mom feels that nothing is ever going to happen between us that nothing good is going to come of the relationship. That if we ever decided to move in together that i would live in a criminal infested place because of his felony. But im a optmistic person and i don't blieve any of that maybe i am being nieve but who knows. All i know that what i feel when im with him is real it feels real in my heart and im just gunna stick to that.