Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Okay....Im gunna write random crap so try to keep up.....So my cousin eddie started dating this girl emily and emily was a friend of mine and my sister. My cousin and her got together and i thought it was cute and sweet at first then it just started to get plain out just disrespectful to me!...My cousin eddie was a virgin until he met her i didn't realize that emily was...lets see how do i put this without being rude???...???...???...Ill just say sexually active even though...the proper word is whore...but anyways...Now eddie told his sister that him and emily have had sex on the side of my aunti's house and she gave him oral in the backseat of the car. Now being a female she should have alittle more respect for herself than that but not only that she should respect my aunts house and her car!...I would never never never never never disrespect my aunts house or property like that not even if i had the chance. But i cant put all the blame on her it's some what eddie's fault too for not respecting his mother. I don't know i was never raised like that...I just...I just...I don't know...But as of now i hate the whore and will freely tell that to her stupid face. she's fricken 17 getting ready to be 18 and acting like she fucking 15 gosh uuuggggh! makes me mad just thinking about it!.....

Next random topic.....

Okay so in September i am getting my college money to get a car and i have decided that since me and my mom butt heads and never tend to get along and never agree with me being with my current boyfriend. That it would be best if i left, there are alot of things that i do that i really and truly believe she overreacts on. Im excited to go be with my boyfriend and praying things don't fall to shit!....


The Speed Camera's....I ABSOLUTELY HATE THEM...WITH A FIERY PASSION!!!!!....Me and my cousin erica were having a debate on weather or not those camera's were useful and i believe that the funding we are using for those stupid camera's can be used else where. For example summer jobs or summer camps or different programs for children. People complain that kids are causing trouble and teens are robbing peoples houses. but if we have something stimulating for them to do they wouldn't be causing havoc on the world. Like in gilbert,az kids are turning off peoples electric boxes so when people wake up in the morning its swealtering hott....Now im not saying that this is right but you cant complain when your closing pools and cutting funding or just ending summer programs altogether....Im just saying it don't make any sense to have camera's on one side of the highway and not the other...because the people on the other side of the dam highway are just speedin...doesn't make any sense to me...another thing the 3600 people that were due to show up to court all at the same time that was even more rediculous...I say we should just get rid of them they cause more problems then their worth!

Alright i think im done for now but im sure ill think of something else during the night....Peace!